Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Harper's Dedication

This past Sunday, we had Harper dedicated at our church. We did this with Andrew when he was almost exactly her age (6 months) and that felt like yesterday! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. I love how our church does dedications...they are so personal and meaningful and involve the whole family.  Nate and I wrote out what we wanted to say and then Nate's dad read it to the congregation while my mom and Nate's mom walked Harper up and down the aisle. I've put the text at the end of this post.

Nate and I committing to "teach her the stories of Jesus"
 Harper hanging out with Omi before dedication time.
 Family picture time back at our house...2 very sleepy kiddos makes this nearly impossible but we tried!

Here is what we wrote, that Darryl read to the congregation:

     It wasn’t long after we found out that we were pregnant with a girl that everyone began asking the standard question: What are you going to name her? Nate and I knew we wanted a name that reflected how we hoped to raise her: to love others as Christ loved us. We chose to name her Harper after one of our favorite authors, Harper Lee, who has woven such ideals into her well-known novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In the novel, Atticus Finch patiently and gently teaches his children the values of kindess, love and compassion and as we raise our children, we hope to impart the same lessons to them.
We chose Elizabeth as her middle name to pass on a family name, as it is the middle name of Alison’s sister, and it is our hope that Harper will have the same close sibling relationships that we have with ours.   
As we raise Harper to follow the teachings of Christ, it is our hope that she will find a faith community here at Highland. We pray that she can discover her place in that body, embracing the teachings of Christ, knowing Him as her Lord and Savior. We believe that a community of believers is essential if we are to raise Haper to follow in the steps of Christ. 
Through her family, both immediate and extended, as well as her church community, we pray that Harper knows the love of our Heavenly father and as she grows up, desires to share that love with others through compassion, service and a strong faith that shapes her character. 

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