Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hiking at Shaker Village

Last Saturday, we drove to Shaker Village to hike since it was warm and finally spring-like outside. It was worth the drive for sure with such pretty hiking and scenery.
 Nate trying to teach Andrew how to skip rocks in the creek.
 Despite 60's outside, the waterfall was still frozen but beautiful to look at.
 A bench along the way…Andrew said we needed to rest:)
 After we hiked a few miles, we  had a picnic lunch and walked around all the old Shaker buildings and houses.
 There are chickens (and a rooster!), a turkey, baby goats, cows, and horses on the property and the kids loved looking at all of the animals.
 Walking along an old stone Shaker wall.

 Finishing off the day with some pizza from Tony Boombozz!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Some pictures from March

 Playing with play-dough together
 Harper at Drew's soccer practice

 Warm enough to go outside finally!

 And watching cartoons on a cold day inside...

I took this one of her before church the other week…she looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Pretty!"