Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer days are flying by

This summer has just been so much fun with Andrew and  Harper both finally at the age where they can play and we can do fun activities. I say this in comparison to last summer when Harper was a newborn, our backyard was a mudpile, plumbers and builders were walking through our house on a daily basis and the average temperature was 110 degrees outside! Yep...this summer has been great by comparison and I feel like I am really getting to enjoy these two:)
 My friends Mary and Laura and I took our kids to Floyds Fork creek and they had such a good time!

 I couldn't resist...when you gotta pee, you gotta pee.
 Sweet Lily (on the far right) kept eating the sand. I'm sure it'll toughen up her digestive tract:)
 Climbing trees and being boys
 Taking these two on a bikeride in the evening. The weather has been amazing with highs only in the 80's so we've been loving it.
 Playing together...but don't be fooled by this seemingly peaceful sibling moment. Two seconds later they were fighting over this bike. Let me just say that Harper can hold her own...tough girl!
 Nate and I took the kids on a hike through this beautiful park in Anchorage. We found a swing along the path!
 Looking for fish with Dad...he kept saying, "I think I see an alligator!" Andrew is very into alligators and snakes currently and we have a stack of library books to attest to that. He has also started the typical 3-year old "curious" phase where he asks questions all the time. But instead of "why" he's chosen to ask "how?" How are we going to the grocery store? How is the sky blue? (no joke) How are snakes made? How are lizards made? How is God? How is Jesus? (They increase in their existential nature by the end of the day). My favorite question he has asked is "What is love, Mama?" I told him it is the feeling you get when you care so so much about someone. He thought for a second and said, "I love YOU, Mom!" and followed up with a big hug:)
 One sunny morning...playing in the sprinkler.
 I just love those chubby grass covered legs:)

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