Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

Working backwards here as I catch up on the blog...Thanksgiving was wonderful! We woke up to an absolutely beautiful day, and, thanks to global warming, the warmest I can remember having on Thanksgiving ever.
Nate and I took Drew and Harper on a walk at a new section of the Floyds Fork park system that opened that week. When it is all finished, there will be a 100 mile bike loop around the city but for now we just walked a couple of those miles along the Floyds Fork creek. I didn't get any pictures of it but it was a good way to start the day!
We headed to my parents' house that afternoon for dinner.
 Taking Christmas card photos in the backyard

 Andrew enjoyed playing in the leaves
 Tom came over for dinner too!

 He paused long enough to get a picture with Granna and Grandpop
 Andrew loved playing with the "pilgrims" that Nate's grandma (Diddy) passed along to us...they've been in the family for awhile!
 Granna and Harper after dinner
 Erin, Mark and Leena came up the day after Thanksgiving and we continued the party...we decided it was time for the cousins to have a bath together too. Poor Leena got lots of water dumped on her head courtesy of her cousin.

 Harper and Leena just checking each other out

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5 months!

 Love it when she makes her scrunchy face;)
Evening at our baths, teeth-brushing:)

Getting in the Christmas spirit!

 We've been celebrating Christmas quite a bit this year as it is the first time Andrew is really able to get into it and enjoy all the fun. He did great at decorating the tree and only 1 ornament has bit the dust so far!
 Reading "The Night Before Christmas" with Dad...
 Harper is happy in her new Christmas pajamas that Omi got her!
Andrew wearing his...Omi came to visit last weekend and all the pictures I took were apparently on her camera:( We had fun with her as always! She helped us transition Andrew into a real bed which, so far, has been successful. He's stayed in it until I come and get him out every time!
 My mom got us this cute advent calendar and Drew gets to put a new "piece" on the nativity each morning.
 I put little cards in for each day with something fun to do on them (visit Santa, decorate the tree, open a gift, etc.) I have to admit...I sometimes just make something up on the spot since Drew can't read yet. Today I pulled out the card and said, "Oh boy! It says we get to go to the grocery store!!!" in my most enthusiastic voice. He was just as excited about that as the day the card said we were going to make cookies.
 It was crazy but fun! My friend Dana brought her little girl Charlotte over and the 2 of them made such a sugar mess you can't even imagine!

The babies, Harper and Ben, just hanging out during the chaos!

Visiting Santa

Last night we went to the Peterson Dumensil House, a historic home in our neighborhood (and where Laura got married!). to visit Santa. It was so pretty all lit up for Christmas!
 Granna and Grandpop met us there too...

There was music in the form of a small dulcimer band while we awaited the much anticipated Santa Clause's arrival. We had built Andrew up for the whole sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what he'd like for Christmas ordeal.
 When Santa arrived he said hello at which point Drew said "I want a digger and 2 books!" faster than you can imagine.  He remembered our instructions apparently. However when it came to actually sitting on Santa's lap...
...he was not so interested. This child has never been afraid of a thing in his whole life but wouldn't you know, he was not about to sit on Santa's lap! He clung to me pretty tightly the whole time.
Harper, however, marched right up there and told Santa what she wanted (a new pair of boots and a pink stuffed animal).